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Home / Provinces of Spain / Cáceres / Cáceres / Attractions in Cáceres /

Lower Palace of the Golfines

The palace was built by the Golfín family after the Spanish Reconquest.


Its façade is from the XVI Century in a Plateresque style with Gothic elements. The door is framed by a round arch and by large keystones with coats of arms on both sides.


Over the door there are two windows, one of them with bars and the other one with a round arch with Ionic capital. Over that window, the coat of arms of the Catholic Kings is located and under it, we can find the coat of arms of the Golfines family hold by two angels.

We should highlight two towers in this palace. One of them is very high and is located on the right façade. It has cantilevers and big windows framed by a segmental arch and also the coat of arms of the Golfines family. You can read the following inscription on it: “Esta es la casa de los Golfines” (“This house belongs to the Golfines family”). Inside, we can find the Salón de Linajes, where we can see Heraldic coats of arms and the courtyard with double arcade.


The Catholic Kings stayed in his palace when they visited this town.

Built: XV-XVI Centuries

Author: Anónimo

Style: Gothic, Renaissance

Category: Civil

Type: Palace - City Fortress

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Plaza de San Jorge, 10003 Cáceres

Opening times

You can only visit the exterior of the monument.

If you see any mistakes or want to add anything to this information, please contact us.


Attractions in Cáceres

It was built in the XVIII Century on the ruins of a former construction from the XV Century. It is a segmental arch of great spaciousness and skewed, built with this form with the aim of making easier the way of the carriages to the Monumental Town (Ciudad...
It is also known as Torre Nueva or Torre del Reloj (New Tower or Clock Tower) during the XVI and XVIII Century, and it was suitable for temporary orientation to those who lived in the public square and worked as merchants.
In 1261, this Parish house was built and has been reformed and enlarged several times throughout centuries.
This convent is part of San Francisco Javier Church.

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